Diane Brandon Moody

Have fun dating again


find the love

you're looking for

When you're fed up with

dating apps 😡

try meeting in person!

Don't know where to go?


Sign up for my FREE GUIDE:

"50 places to meet singles over 50"

and let's get started 💖

You are signing up to receive emails from Diane Brandon Moody

This FREE list gives you many choices of

where you can find people your age and with your similar interests

You could connect with YOUR person in one of these places!

Why you need this FREE guide

  • Greater chance of meeting someone with similar interests and values

  • Communication is so much easier

  • Fewer scam-attempts in person than online

  • No disappointing 10 year old photos or unrecognizable dates

  • Reach authenticity sooner

So you can find the relationship you want with the person who fits you and your lifestyle best


"I was scared to start coaching, so so scared. BUT now I'm waking up excited! And learning so much. And having fun while I enter the dating world again" - Cynthia J., Dallas, TX

"I threw out an offhand comment, and Diane seized on it. She created a life-changing ritual that was mind-blowing. THIS is coaching!" - Annette M., New Orleans, LA

Diane Brandon Moody is the experienced AND wise Big Sister most of us didn’t have, who can, not only help us survive in this perplexing and complicated new world of dating … but succeed in creating that wonderful relationship, we were born into this world to have. - Randolph P., GrantsPass, OR

About Me

My work and study with world renowned dating coaches in this field enabled me to find the love of my life for the fiirst time at age 58.

For ten years I served as a moderator on a world-famous relationship leader's website. I started there trying to heal my broken heart, but in the meantime, I helped hundreds of people end relationships that needed to end and to find what they were really looking for.

I hired a coach myself. I worked on ditching old beliefs that were holding me back. I learned to make dating fun - when to give a little grace and when to just end it.

Fast forward to I found my guy in 2019. I didn't find just any guy. I found a man who loves me and shows it every day. Who still brings me at least a dozen roses every week (around 6500 or so 🥰🌹), who's supported me through challenges such as surgeries, family caregiving and illness. Who's seen me at my worst and is still here.

Now I have the experience + the training, so you and I can work towards similar goals.

I’m here for you as you discover:

1. There ARE good men and women out there, even over 50

2. It's NOT too late for you either!

3. There is no dancing naked under a full moon (unless you just want to)

Are you ready for your next exciting chapter?

It begins by getting my free guide -

50 places to meet singles over 50

Let's get started!


Email me: info@dianebrandonmoody.com

and I'll get back to you ASAP