You deserve to be loved like you've dreamed of being loved
Dating Safely and Scam-Free
For people over 50
Sign up below to get information next time I do this important live event.
Maybe you've already tried online dating.
Maybe you enjoyed yourself.
Maybe you hated it.
You don't have to date online, but it does give you more options.
I'm going to give you some help participating more effectively, and most of all, safely.
Reasons why dating online is a good thing
There are also good reasons to exercise
I'm offering a FREE masterclass on how to protect yourself
Dating Safely and Scam-Free
For people over 50
Tuesday, April 30th
7 p.m. central time on zoom
Sign up below to get the zoom link in your email.
*replay is available if you can't make it live
You don't have to date online, but it does give you more options.
Check your email for zoom link and class details!
So excited you're here.
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